Barn Owl Ring Bearer

Owl Ring Bearer

Having an Owl Ring Bearer makes your day extra special!  Why not have one of our talented Barn Owls deliver the rings down the aisle? They can fly to anyone you would like: Best Man, Bride, Groom, etc.

Our Owl Ring Bearer in flight delivering the rings in a Church in Bristol.
Our gorgeous Billie delivering the rings in a Church in Bristol. It wowed the guests, and the photographer managed to get a perfect shot!

Our Options

We offer a series of options for you to pick and choose to suit your special day:

Option 1: Owl Ring Bearer – Prices from £375

Option 2: Owl Ring Bearer & Pictures Afterward – Prices from £450

Option 3: Meet & Greet After Ceremony – Prices from £425

Option 1 – (Owl Ring Bearer Only) provides the choice of birds to deliver your rings down the aisle. We arrive around an hour before the ceremony to meet the person receiving the rings, the registrar/vicar, and the photographer, if possible. After we have had our little chats, we give a little training to the receiver and then try to disappear until the time comes for us to be involved.

Option 2 – (Owl Ring Bearer and Photos Afterward) You get to have our talented Barn Owl deliver the rings down to you. We will then stay after the ceremony with up to 2 other birds that you and your guests can hold and have pictures with. It makes for great pictures for you and is a fantastic way to keep the guests busy whilst you are mingling after the ceremony. 

If you would like to see some of the birds we could bring along for Option 2, click here to meet our birds! 

Option 3 – (Meet & Greet After Ceremony) allows for us to be your entertainment after the ceremony. We will bring along up to 3 birds that you and your guests can handle and take pictures with. This can be a great icebreaker between guests and is great if you need to rearrange any rooms between the ceremony and the meal. 

For our Option 2 and Option 3 packages, you can add on a flying display for you and your guests to enjoy (and partake in) for an additional £120. 

We are based in Evesham, Worcestershire. Within 20 miles, we require no additional travel cost. Anything further than that will require additional travel costs. For up to 50 miles from Evesham, we will require a £50 travel charge. For up to 75 miles, we require a £75 travel charge. For up to 100 miles, we require a £100 travel charge. For anything over 100 miles, please contact us.

Our professional handlers will be dressed smartly and appropriately, with the birds as clean as they can be!

We are now taking bookings for 2026 🦉

Contact us to see about any special offers! 

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